Prasanta Dasgupta Dhanwantari Kabiraj is not a name only, but a legendary personality in the greater Purbasthali of Burdwan hallowed as the birth place of this great son of India.
Historically, Purbasthali is famous for a galaxy of stars who left indelible marks in the international arena of education, culture and literature. Prasanta Dasgupta has already earned a world wide reputation and renown as a vereran physician and practitioner.
As an ideal educatinist, Prasanta babu always goes onwards to help and contribute to the noble cause of education and culture for the progress of the society and development of the country. His noble mission is to improve the socio – economic condition of the people through all round education in and around the vaster areas of greater Purbasthali of the biggest district of Burdwan.
Now Prasanta Dasgupta stands like a light house guiding through his liberal donating the Institutions to advance in the right direction to fulfill their noble mission and visin.
His monumental work is the establishment of B.Ed College entitled Prasanta dasgupta College of Education at the precinct of Vidyanagar amid the beautiful surroundings of the Block Purbasthali, Burdwan.
This B.Ed. College has its clarion call to teachers and freshers who are keen to take up teachers training herein Vidyanagar has actually raised from prolonged hibernation and set all its functions in motion, and it has been possible by the generous contribution of Prasanta Dastupa, Donor Supremo in full collaboration with the acting secretary of the School and the Hon’ble Minister, Sri Swapan Debnath, Govt. of West Bengal.
Long live Prasanta Dasgupta and his Monument of Love, Prasanta Dasgupta College of Education at Vidyanagar.